Monday, January 23, 2012

Police Happenings at USU

For those of you who don't go to USU (utah state university) they have a newspaper called the statesman, its basically the campus news of the day. In this newspaper is a section called police happenings which gives the recent actions of campus police around the university, the section is meant I guess to give some sort of transparency to the police. Honestly I have no idea why they include it but it is a source of comedy to me and other people I have engaged in jovial repartee with. So from now on I will let the world (translation: The five people who accidentally click on this blog) know about what is "happenin" in the police happenings at USU as well as give a commentary on it with maybe some pictures. So without further distraction I will get to it......
1.USU Police responded to a bird stuck and confused in a skylight on the Taggart Student Center Patio. The bird would not fly out from under the skylight and kept running into the clear cover. USU Police attempted to coerce the bird into flying out from under the skylight but was unable to do so. The bird was left on its own, in hopes it would fly out by itself.
Yes this is a real police happening at Utah State and I don't really think it needs much explaining basically a bird got stuck in a light and to keep it from committing suicide the cops tried to talk it down, which I guess we have to say didn't work because the police were forced to give up. (Leading us only to believe that their talks were in fact agitating the sitiuation further.) My second problem with this is who the heck called this in. I can only imagine how that call went, "Hello, 911." "Yeah there's a bird stuck in a light and it might be suicidal." "We'll send some of our guys over to talk it down." Yes the more I hear about it the more I am led to believe this was a PETA member.

Seems Legit
Also the other problem is why didn't we get a recap on what happened to the bird I mean someone could have at least walked by the light to see if the bird was gone later. People that read the statesman need to know that kind of stuff. Come on Campus PD who you got working up there.

I Personally hope its this guy
Hopefully that shows you how ridiculous these can be not the fact police are doing this sort of thing because I'll be honest, not a lot of crime happening in cache valley unless you count this hooligan.

Darn you agricultural college!!
The fact they actually put it in the newspaper shows that it is meant for humor only. I mean who honestly reads the paper and responds, "I'm really happy some of my tuition is going to keeping birds from committing suicide."

goodbye world!!!
Anyways so every once in a while I'll write a post on the Police Happenings at USU when I come across something juicy. But that will be all for today hopefully you enjoyed make sure to leave a comment and follow me on here. Peace out from the Anti-Pike house.

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