Monday, January 23, 2012

Thoughts on blogging

Hello, if you are reading this you have stumbled across my first blog post sort of like a pilot for a TV episode we’ll see if this gets cancelled after day one, or can it go the distance and last for a few seasons. So first off i’d like to give you my take on blogs. Before making this, most blogs I read were made by what seemed like women who didn’t know how to use facebook and wanted to plaster their lives for the world.
Everything I need besides farmville.
So yes I was skeptical about making a blog, in fact I may have even made a vow to myself never to get involved in one. So you may all be asking, “So, Adam why are you doing this?” That’s a good question over the past few weeks I’ve been receiving pro-blog propaganda.
Not quite....but you get the point
No my main reason for doing this was because I have been following a friends blog called “The Argyle Sweater” here’s the link I have enjoyed reading this over the past few days and wanted to get in on the action. Also because I heard if your blog gets big you can actually get money because people will pay you to advertise on it. Not that i’m in this for the money……
.....or am I?
But no I’m doing this to bring my message to the people. Whatever that might be, anyways I’ll wrap this up because there’s a basketball game on and I’m planning on writing a new post every other day and I don’t want to run out of clever and witty ideas. So let me know what you think. Peace out…..from the anti-pike house

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