Whats up everyone almost 200 views I guess comparably this is a pretty crappy blog but I'm just glad to be reaching people....even if it is only family members.
So yeah I don't care, (although I keep saying that then mentioning in it in my blog so obviously I do care.)
So like the title says I went researching for the coolest holiday's out there that aren't very popular. Its amazing they aren't if you ask me they are pretty dang sick. Without further hesitation we'll get started.
5. Public Sleeping Day-February 28th
Can you imagine a more relaxing holiday than this? I dare say you can't. Just think of it, a day celebrating that part of our lives that takes up about 1/3 of it. You just sleep all day. If there was a petition to make this a more recognized holiday I would definatley sign it heck you could even have Sleeping Eve where you party the whole night before then sleep the whole next day. Maybe its just me but this is a much better holiday than that other holiday we celebrate in Febuary....
Holiday it beats: Earth Day- Ten times cooler and a lot more fun to participate in.
4. Festival of Extra-Terrestrial Abductions-March 20th
Apparently this is a major event among the supernatural world, which i'm not really sure how big the supernatural world is, but there's alot of crazies out there. Oh and despite what the title says this is a holiday to celebrate all things alien from UFO's to tin foil hats. It would be cool to have more holidays like this in our yearly schedule.
Holiday it beats: Columbus day- Come on this allows interacting with freaking aliens. (Not real aliens the social outcasts that study them)
3. Sneak some Zucchini onto your Neighbors Porch Night-August 8th
For you who prefer to be hooligans while still satisfying your neighbors craving for Zucchini this holiday is for you. Need I say more I'm guessing this stems from having too plentiful a crop of zucchini and trying to give it to your neighbors. So its pretty much the dead opposite of trick or treating.
Holiday it Beats: Halloween- Its healthy and involves Tom Foolery.
2. Cuckoo warning day-June 21st
Basically if the sound of a cuckoo is heard on this day it will be a wet summer. To me this is better than groundhogs because when it gets to birds stuff gets real. Our ancestors used to have all sorts of strange omens that dealt with birds. So don't avoid the sound of a Cuckoo on the 21st.
Holiday it beats: Ground Hogs day- GHD wouldn't even be that special if there wasn't a movie about it, this holiday would be awesome everyone would be on edge waiting for the cuckoo sound. I'm gonna start a petition just to get this thing going.
1.National Chocolate covered anything day-December 16th
Holiday it beats: Presidents day- That's freaking bacon covered in chocolate up there how dare you even ask how this doesn't beat out presidents day.
So those are some of Americas Bizzarest and lesser known holidays that ought to be more popular at least in my opinion.
[polldaddy poll=5951062]
So thats that comment and lets hear what holiday you think should be more popular and which one's shouldn't carpe diem folks
this is possibly my favorite blog post adam :)