It seems high time for another blog post. Currently we are at 235
views and we have gone global as Australia, Russia, Indonesia, and
Germany have now been opened up to my blog. I'm excited about this
because this is the first step in becoming internationally known. Yes, I
do realize this is a big step especially because I'm probably not even
fully known in my own family.
yes I'm very happy about international views. Also the update on
bearding, I'm now approaching two weeks of having a beard and I
personally don't like it that much but everyone else does. Oh that's
funny.....just how I....predicted? Yeah I'm always right just so
everyone knows. So yeah its going good and people are seriously waiting
to pounce if I shave and beat me senseless.
yes bearding is awesome and I already feel wiser with it. And its a
fact its made me smarter my test scores have gone up 10% since growing
this. Anyways I'll stop my love affair with beards and end this. Tune in
next week for my take on Linsanity. Carpe diem
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