Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Put down that fast food!!!

Hello comrades, no I'm not stationed in Soviet Russia (to my russian viewers no offense). We have opened the blog up to Albenia so doing what we can to reach out to the community there. By the way I keep saying We but really its just Me. I just like the idea of having a crew so if anyone wants to get in on this just let me know in the comment box. Today we will be delving in to the world of junk food to make you all aware of that thing on your plate thats trying to kill you.
This will doubtlessy result in a spin off of the gingerbread man.
No its not a killer meatloaf monster, its fast food and it's had a death grip on you since your parents introduced you to the Golden Arches and showed you just how fun it was when good feelings were mixed with food.
See how fun that looks!! If you are worried about the intake of junk food you are eating you should be because its entirely too much and your getting fat and unhealthy. Sorry to be blunt but seriously that stuff is killing you, today we're gonna talk about how unhealthy that fast food is that your stuffing down your first-born's gullet
Yeah, eat it kid, stuff your fat little face!
Let's first start off by saying I am in no way trying to hurt anyone's feelings just giving information on how many calories per a sitting you are eating at certain restaurants because it should be known. Second, yes I have seen Super-size me , I just want to put this out there that when your trying to bash on Mcdonalds you shouldn't endlessly put their food all over your movie because its possibly the best advertising for Mcdonalds out there. That show made me hungry. 
Holy Hamburger Batman!!! That thing is as big as his head!!!
I have no idea why I included that....moving on. Here are 5 of the popular eateries and just how much you are taking in calorie wise.
5. Subway
So lets start with Subway you know that place that's so healthy heck their spokesperson is an American Icon due to his weight loss story of eating subway everyday. However just like that bogus story turned out to be false so is the idea that eating at Subway is healthy for you. We're just gonna take the average of all the sandwiches and go off that. 
Typical Footlong Sandwich-781 calories
Typical Cookie (1)- 211 Calories
Medium Soda-210 Calories
Potato chips-150 Calories
Grand total: 1352 Calories
Yeah, in a typical meal that's a lot of calories those are all averages up there so you could be eating more or less depending on what sandwich you order but if you want an idea of how much work you'd have to do to burn that many calories off up there go run on a treadmill and find out. Its alot. 
4. Burger King
Have it your way. This one should be fun I'm guessing at least 1500 calories we are going to be doing a Large Whopper Meal just because I wanna see how many calories one can eat at a sitting. Oh and also I'm gonna add in a desert because we did at Subway.
Whopper-670 calories
Large Fries-450 calories
Large Drink-255 Calories
1 serving dutch apple pie-308 calories
Grand Total-1683 Calories
3. Taco Bell
Anyone seen the Drive Thru diet? Yeah, basically you can eat one taco and lose weight which I wouldn't doubt because that's about the equivalent of going to McDonald's and getting a small fry to eat for a meal. We'll do a 7 layer burrito meal.
7 layer burrito-500 calories
Crunchy taco-150 Calories
Medium Baja Blast-410
Carmel Apple Empanada-310
Total- 1370 Calories
2. Wendy's
We'll be doing a Wendy's Double Medium Combo
Double with Cheese-700 Calories
Medium fries- 440 Calories
Medium soda-140 Calories
Small Frosty-320 Calories
Total-1600 Calories
1. McDonald's
Ok the grand finale we will be doing a Big Mac Medium Meal
Big Mac-704 Calories
Medium Fries-380 Calories
Medium soda-210 Calories
Apple Pie-260 Calories
Total-1554 Calories
So yes hopefully all that was informational. Also, Those stats aren't meant to be compared because there are far to many variables. The purpose of this is to give you an idea of how many calories these places put out. Which all of them reach insane numberrs. Anyways so follow and comment on my blog currently working on trying to get 1000 views so tell you're friends. Carpe Diem and eat healthy.

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