Monday, September 23, 2013

The Founding of Rome Part 2 (A Gang Drama)

It's Monday, and instead of my normal Monday activity which usually involves me yelling German Proverbs at people out my car window.
I've decided to add another part to The Founding of Rome story. We left off last time with the Greeks and Latins getting ready for a little bilingual blood fest against the recently defeated Rutuli and their new found bros the Etruscans. Although Aeneas could easily defend his walls from the opposing army he probably didn't want to get into another Troy situation .
"This all seems vaguely familiar"-Aeneas
So he marched his army straight out into battle. They win the battle, however Aeneas is lost and no one can find him. Naturally everyone assumes he has crossed over and become a God. After this some time passes  there are a few kings ruling the Greeks and Latins (which just got shortened down to the Latins at this point) for the space of many years. And then comes along  King Priam who had two sons Amulius and Numitor and the drama begins.

No not that kind of drama

That's more like it
Although Numitor was older and his father had given him rule over his people, Amulius decided he wasn't gonna let that happen and banished his older brother to be a shepherd in the outlying territory, killed Numitors only son, then honored Numitor's daughter, Rhea Silvia, by making her a priestess (Meaning she was a vestal virgin and couldn't have offspring). By doing this he ensured he would have the throne.
"I'm somewhat of a jerk"-Amulius
Tune in next week to hear the next installment in "The founding of Rome (A Gang Drama). Carpe Diem!

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