Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Average 6th Grade Day

It's summer time and I've been freed from all my duties and cares of the school year.
Pictured: My Duties and Cares
Therefore, it is time to give my viewers another small taste of my life. Today, I'm taking a trip down memory lane to Vernal Middle School. My old stomping grounds and home of the Mustangs. 6th grade is a strange time for everyone, because it's the passage of time between childhood and teenager-ism. It's where you discover really what you will become both socially and academically. I'll save everyone the suspense and show you what I became socially and academically.
Cell phone holder says commitment. Fanny pack says PLAYA!
Now for the first time ever I want to give my readers a look into my actual life in a way that no one has ever seen on this blog (or anywhere). I present to you a typical day in my 6th grade life. (Prepare yourselves for this is weird).


Every morning started out the same way I would wake up in a rush and take two cayenne pepper pills. At the time I suffered from chronic nosebleeds and my nose would randomly start bleeding multiple times a day. For some reason my mom recommended I take cayenne pepper pills in order to prevent them. 
"Take some pepper pills, the heat will dry up the blood before it comes out your nose"
Actually this sounds like a joke but it actually worked. Or at least I didn't have nearly the problems I did when I didn't take the pills.

Should have taken the cayenne today...

I would run out the door and over to my friends house across the street who was in 7th grade and with whom I would get a ride to school with every morning. We always left super early in order to get to school on time to play computer games. He was never ready to go so I would sit on the couch at his house and the morning countdown would be playing on MTV, which I would watch with half-interest. Finally my friend would stumble out and we would leave anxious to be the first kids in line for the computer lab door to open. 
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be nerds"

Once we arrived at school would be about the time my stomach would go into violent convulsions from two cayenne pepper pills bursting open inside of me and searing my insides with a fiery vengeance that felt like someone had stabbed me with a soldering iron.
Shouldn't have taken the cayenne today...
This pains would continue progressively getting worse and worse while I sat on the ground rocking back and forth in tears until my stomach did the noble thing and allowed me the rare opportunity to vomit liquid fire (Yes this happened almost every morning. Also this story has a happy ending because it has been years since I've had a bloody nose). I would stumble back in time just as the computer lab opened and would rush inside with a bunch of other kids to play the glorious triumvirate of Age of Empires, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Midtown Madness.
Don't act like you didn't...
 The computers were linked together so they we could all play online. The favorite game was midtown madness, a car game in which the only real objective (that I remember) was driving around a city crashing into each other. Because it was a trial version the only cars available were a Mini Cooper and a Ford Mustang. Naturally, we all were decked out with mini coopers driving hazardously through crowded streets wrecking into anything that moved.  
"Ooooo a Civilian"
Eventually the first bell would ring and I'd have to run off to first period. Mrs. Jensens PE class where I would have to get dressed in the boys locker room ruled over by Mr. Scott.

To Be Continued...
Seriously I mean it this time

1 comment:

  1. I know hind site is 20/20, but I think if your morning routine would have included some form of food substance with the cayenne then your stomach wouldn't have protested in such a convulsive way :)
